What is the meaning of the link words on the left?
You may have noticed that the Hucoji words are not the literal translation of the English words. "HOME" as in "home page" is not essentially the same as in "living home" or "home cooking". In this case, it is the central starting point of your journey through this domain, so "here, and from here in any direction".
HOME | huʒisu | NOUN:here:to-everywhere |
WHAT | hakadaji | VERB:wish:know:essence |
WHY | hakadamu | VERB:wish:know:CAUSE |
WHERE | hakadaʒa | VERB:wish:know:there |
HOW | hakadaʃa | VERB:wish:know:do |
WITH | hakadaŋa | VERB:wish:know:together |
TRY | haʃasezudalüi | VERB:do:direction:end point:know:maybe |
FAQ | hamisüu | VERB:QUESTION:away |
WHO | hakadafupa | VERB:wish:know:person:group |
Why is the link to "WHAT"/"WHY"/"WHERE" etc., here left, a Verb and not a Question?
The meaning of "WHAT"/"WHY"/"WHERE" in this case is: "Wishing to know the essence/reason/location". If one would put it in a question, it would mean: "Is it the wish to know essence/reason/location?", which is not the same.
How do you translate ... ?
Think about what it is intended for, or supposed to to, in that particular situation. An "apple" can be "food", it can be a "tree baby", or a "round object". Many, if not all things can be something else depending on relevant circumstances. It depends on the meaning of your message what the "apple" is, in that context. Take a good look at the examples with their explanations on the HOW page.
Are there other fonts available than this?
There is an ongoing font developing project on the Peperklips website that is currently actively worked on by some enthusiasts. Any results ready to be published you will find there. You are invited to participate and contribute yourself.